David Fernández Gutiérrez

Welcome, and thank you for stopping by!

I am currently a postdoctoral associate in the Senseable City Lab at MIT, working with Professor Carlo Ratti and Professor Daniela Rus. There, I am developing an autonomous boat for Amsterdam's canals as part of the interdisciplinary Roboat project. Additionally, I am collaborating with Professor Wim M. van Rees in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, where I am leading a numerical research project focused on modeling the fluid dynamics around bio-inspired flexible fins. Ultimately, I am interested in developing advanced numerical schemes to analyze the fluid-structure interaction of complex moving geometries.

I received my PhD in Mechanical Engineering at the University of California (UC) Berkeley, under the supervision of Professor Tarek I. Zohdi in the Computational Manufacturing and Materials Lab. My PhD work focused on establishing the basis for a new coupled method that combines smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) with Voronoi diagrams. In addition, I earned a PhD in Naval and Oceanic Sciences and Technologies as a result of my long term collaboration with Professor Antonio Souto-Iglesias at the CEHINAV, studying the impact of the interference resistance in catamarans. Before moving to Berkeley, I worked for an Offshore Engineering firm, Seaplace. I was fully involved in a series of projects linked with the conceptual design and experimental tests of innovative ocean energy technologies for offshore power generation.

If you have any further questions, you can reach me at davidfg[at]mit[dot]edu or fill the contact form.

Thank you!


  • Fluid dynamics
  • Hydrodynamic & Aerodynamic modeling
  • Control systems
  • Structural analysis

Computer Fluid Dynamics (CFD)

Star-CCM+, ANSYS Fluent


Programming Languages

C/C++, Fortran, Matlab, NI LabVIEW, Python

Software development tools

Git, Docker, ROS, SLURM


CAD/CAM Modelling

SolidWorks, Rhinoceros, AutoCAD


2018   Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering
University of California at Berkeley

Thesis: Delta Voronoi Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics, δ-VSPH  [ link ]
Advisor: Prof. Tarek I. Zohdi


2016   Ph.D. in Naval and Oceanic Sciences and Technologies
Technical University of Madrid

Thesis: Analysis and Optimization of the Interference Resistance in Multihulls  [ link ]
Advisor: Prof. Antonio Souto-Iglesias


2014   M.S. in Mechanical Engineering
University of California at Berkeley
Report: Implementation of a Panel Method to Predict the Hydrodynamic Performance of Horizontal-Axis Marine Current Turbines
Advisor: Prof. Ronald W. Yeung


2008   Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering Degree (Master's equivalent, international)
Technical University of Madrid
Capstone Project: Conceptual design of a cruise ship for 650 passengers


  1. Outstanding Graduate Student Instructor (GSI) Award, granted to the top 10% GSI at UC Berkeley, 2016.
  2. Anselmo Macchi Fellowship for Engineering Graduate Students from UC Berkeley, 2015.
  3. Best professional trajectory for under 35 years old, awarded by the Spanish Association of Naval Engineers, 2013.
  4. Rafael del Pino Fellowship, awarded to the top 17 Spanish candidates for international graduate programs (from approximately 300 applicants), 2012.
  5. National Award for the Excellence in Academic Achievement, awarded by the Spanish Ministry of Education to the top 71 undergraduate Spanish students (from approximately 200.000), 2008.
  6. Highest GPA of all Naval Engineers who graduated from the Technical University of Madrid since 1974, 2008.
  7. Best Capstone Project Award by the School of Naval Engineering of the Technical University of Madrid,  selected between 50 projects, 2008.
  8. Academic Performance Award, granted to less than 0.5% of the students at the Technical University of Madrid, 2003.


Since 2018    Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Cambridge (MA), USA
Postdoctoral Associate
(Senseable City Lab & Department of Mechanical Engineering)


2016   Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL), Berkeley (CA), USA  [ link ]
Graduate Student Research Assistant
(summer position)


2006 - 2012   SEAPLACE, Madrid, SPAIN  [ link ]
Naval Architect, Dynamic Positioning & Ship dynamics analyst


2003 - 2006   Model Basin of the Naval Engineering School at the Technical University of Madrid, SPAIN  [ link ]
Research Group Member



  1. Research mentor of three undergraduate students under the UROP program at MIT
  2. Graduate Student Instructor of ME 163 and ME107 (Engineering Aerodynamics and Wind Tunnel Lab) for 7 semesters at UC Berkeley.
  3. Substitute lecturer in offshore engineering at the Technical University of Madrid.
  4. Capstone project co-advisor of one student from the Technical University of Madrid, who's project was titled Design of a Floating Platform for an Offshore Vertical Axis Wind Turbine (VAWT).

Copyright © 2020 David Fernández Gutiérrez